1. Introduction
Computing Center Management System (CCMS) to monitor, control, and configure your SAP System.
The CCMS tools support unattended system administration functions around the clock within the SAP System. You can use this tool to analyze and distribute the workload of clients and to display the resource usage of system components.For the Project we have to implement an CCMS Infrastructure.
In order of this we have to configure central functions in the SAP Solution Manager.
Here we describe the installation and registration of satellites sap systems to Solution Manager Production environment. There are several different cases for the CCMS Agent installation possible. So we describe the general activities for all scenarios at first. Then we describe the specific activities for the several scenarios.
In order of the technical Blueprint we describe all activities for Operation System AIX.
Here we configure the first set of ABAP systems to the CEN (Solution Manager Production System).
2. General activities in the SAP System for all scenarios
Some general activities have to be fulfilled for all possibilities for registration.
2.1 Activate Background Dispatching
Login to Satellite System.
Run RZ 21 è Technical Infrastructure è Local Method Execution è Activate background dispatching
Control :
Please check if the job SAP_CCMS_MONI_BATCH_DP is scheduled ( transaction sm37)
2.2 Create User CSMREG
Create the user CSMREG if not created in Satellite Systems.
Run RZ 21 è Technical Infrastructure è Configure Central System è Create CSMREG User
Please enter the password of the user CSMREG.
The user CSMREG needs only the following authorization role, no more authorizations needed:
Please copy this SAP_Role for security reason to a Customer Role.
The password for CSMREG user is available.
2.3 Needed Jobs
Check in SM37 if the following jobs are scheduled:
SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_NON_R3_STAT : For CEN Systems and all Double Stack systems
If the Job is not scheduled you can schedule it via SM36 -> Standard Jobs
2.4 Create RFC Destination
RFC Should be created from Solution Manager System.
2.4.1 Create RFC Destination for ABAP System
Important: All the monitored systems and services must be in the files „hosts“ and „services“, otherwise you will receive the following error:
RZ21 è Technical Infrastructure è Configure Central System è Create remote monitoring entry
- Choose Component Type to Be Monitored
Configuration è Expert mode è Change to “Create only RFC Connection to System”
Change to “Create only RFC Connection to System”
In the following screen you have to enter the needed data in following fields:
System ID, Message Server and Password
Generate the RFC Destinations using the button
Save the configuration using the SAVE button
The following RFC Connection are created.
In SM59 two RFC are created with format
2.4.2 Create RFC Destination for ABAP + JAVA System
Important: All the monitored systems and services must be in the files “hosts“ and “services“ file
Follow the above steps in Solution Manager System and choose the Component Type to Be Monitored as per the system.
3. Registration of CCMS Agent on OS Level
We work with User sid<adm> on OS Level.
All relevant files are stored in the following folder :
Check the files in the above path.
Open the csmconf file and check the CEN system.
Check whether the csmconf file is generated from Solution Manager Production.
Make sure not to edit or corrupt the configuration file.
Copy the csmconf file to the desired location as described in the next section.
The relevant CCMS agent have to be downloaded by your own from the SAP Marketplace.
The CSMCONF file will be stored in the SAP Solution Manager.
3.1 ABAP System
We need SAPCCM4X Agent.
3.1.1. Check specification of System ( Unicode / Non Unicode )
Here you see an Non-Unicode System.
Hostname:SIDadm> disp+work -v | pg
disp+work information
kernel release 700
kernel make variant 700_REL
DBMS client library OCI_102 ()
DBSL shared library version 700.08
compiled on AIX 2 5 005DD9CD4C00 for rs6000_64
compiled for 64 BIT
compilation mode Non-Unicode
compile time Feb 10 2010 20:51:22
update level 0
patch number 242
source id 0.242
3.1.2. Copy File csmconf and sapccm4x to target folder
Copy the CSMCONF start file to the following directory:
UNIX: /usr/sap/ccms/<SysID>/<inst.dir.>/log/sapccm4x
If the folders are not present it should be created.
Depending on the platform and the release of the instance the executable
SAPCCM4X is located in the following directory:
Plattform | Release | Directory |
Unix | NW04 | /usr/sap/<SysID>/SYS/exe/run |
upgraded to NW 2004s | ||
NW 2004s | /usr/sap/<SysID>/SYS/exe/ <uc|nuc>/<platform> |
<uc|nuc> stands for Unicode or non-Unicode, respectively.
3.1.3. Registration of CCMS agent sapccm4x to CEN System
In the directory of the executable, enter the command
sapccm4x -R pf=<profile path>.
<profile path> specifies the start profile of the monitored instance.
By default, this is:
UNIX: /usr/sap/<SysID>/SYS/profile/<SysID><Name instance directory><Host>
During the registration(incorporate), the system displays specifications from the CSMCONF
file to you again for confirmation. Confirm the specification by pressing the
ENTER key in each case. You only need to enter two parameters yourself:
- The password for the administration user in CEN, under which you created the CSMCONF file
- The password for the CSMREG user
Password for User ccms_adm in Solution Manager would be mailed to you on request.
Example :
Here we run the registration from Satellite System to Solution Manager PRD
SID means Satellite SID
PRD means Solution Manager PRD
Hostname:Satellite SIDadm 71> sapccm4x -R pf=/usr/sap/SSID/SYS/profile/START_DVEBMGS00_HOSTNAME
INFO: CCMS agent sapccm4x working directory is /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/log/sapccm4x
INFO: CCMS agent sapccm4x config file is /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/log/sapccm4x/csmconf
INFO: Central Monitoring System is [SM PRD]. (found in config file)
additional CENTRAL system y/[n] ? : n
INFO: creating ini file /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/log/sapccm4x/sapccmsr.ini.
CCMS version 20040229, 64 bit, multithreaded, Unicode
compiled at Nov 6 2009
systemid 324 (IBM RS/6000 with AIX)
relno 7010
patch text patch collection 2009/4, OSS note 1304480
patchno 68
INFO Runtime:
running on Satellite System Host name AIX 3 5 00C641104C00
running with profile /usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile/START_DVEBMGS00_Satellite System Host name
INFO profile parameters:
alert/MONI_SEGM_SIZE = 60000000
alert/TRACE = 1
SAPLOCALHOST = Satellite System Host name
DIR_CCMS = /usr/sap/ccms
DIR_LOGGING = /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/log
DIR_PERF = /usr/sap/tmp
pid 1532048
INFO: Attached to Shared Memory Key 13 (size 60211232) in pool 10
INFO: Connected to Monitoring Segment [CCMS Monitoring Segment for application server Satellite System Host name_SID_00, created with version CCMS version 20040229, 64 bit single threaded, compiled at Jan 22 2010, kernel 7010_20020600_78, platform 324 (IBM RS/6000 with AIX)]
segment status ENABLED
segment started at Sun Aug 8 04:57:45 2010
segment version 20040229
********************* PRD *********************
Please enter the logon info for an admin user of the
central monitoring system [PRD].
The user should have system administrator privileges
client [000]
user [CCMS_ADM]
language [DE]
trace level [0]
application server [sapPRDc1Solution Manager Hostname]
system number [00]
Logon info ok n/[y] ? : y
please enter password for [PRD:000:CCMS_ADM]: ******
Try to connect ...
INFO: [PRD:000:CCMS_ADM] connected to PRD, host sapPRDc1Soltuion Manager Hostname, System Nr. 00, traceflag [ ]
INFO: PRD release is 701 , (kernel release 701 )
This program will act as registered RFC server lateron.
Please enter the info for a gateway of monitoring system PRD
gateway info:
host: [sapPRDc1Solution Manager Hostname]
service: [sapgw00]
Gateway info ok n/[y] ? : y
*** CCMS agent sapccm4x: RFC client functionality ***
This CCMS agent program sapccm4x is able to actively report
alert data into the monitoring system [PRD].
To enable this feature, you have to setup the user CSMREG
in [PRD]. (refer to SAP Online-help, search for 'CSMREG').
Alternatively use any user in [PRD] that has at least authorization ).
to call per RFC function groups
After entering the RFC logon info for the user, the password
will be stored here on this machine in a Secure Storage.
client [000]
user [CSMREG]
language [DE]
trace level [0]
application server [sapPRDc1Solution Manager Hostname]
system number [00]
Logon info ok n/[y] ? : y
please enter password for [PRD:000:CSMREG]: ********
Try to connect ...
INFO: [PRD:000:CSMREG] connected to PRD, host sapPRDc1Solution Manager Hostname, System Nr. 00, traceflag [ ]
INFO: PRD release is 701 , (kernel release 701 ), CCMS version 20060508
INFO: RFC logon info for [PRD:000:CSMREG] can be updated at any time with -R option:
sapccm4x -R <params>
INFO: Updated saprfc.ini in agent work directory /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/log/sapccm4x
INFO: Connected to PRD, CCMS version in ABAP: 20060508
[optional] monitored system SID belongs to system group :
INFO: successfully registered at PRD
INFO: Updated config file /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/log/sapccm4x/csmconf.
Start agent? n/[y] : y
INFO: No agent running (no actual pid, no actual shared memory)
INFO: CCMS agent sapccm4x working directory is /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/log/sapccm4x
INFO: CCMS agent sapccm4x config file is /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/log/sapccm4x/csmconf
INFO: Central Monitoring System is [PRD]. (found in config file)
INFO: No agent running (no actual pid, no actual shared memory)
CCMS version 20040229, 64 bit, multithreaded, Unicode
compiled at Nov 6 2009
systemid 324 (IBM RS/6000 with AIX)
relno 7010
patch text patch collection 2009/4, OSS note 1304480
patchno 68
INFO Runtime:
running on Satellite System Host name AIX 3 5 00C641104C00
running with profile /usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile/START_DVEBMGS00_Satellite System Host name
INFO profile parameters:
alert/MONI_SEGM_SIZE = 60000000
alert/TRACE = 1
SAPLOCALHOST = Satellite System Host name
DIR_CCMS = /usr/sap/ccms
DIR_LOGGING = /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/log
DIR_PERF = /usr/sap/tmp
pid 1532048
INFO: Reconnected to Monitoring Segment [SAP_CCMS_Satellite System Host name_SID_00], size [60211232], started at Sun Aug 8 04:57:45 2010
You no longer require CCMS agents, if both of the following conditions are fulfilled:
■ The monitored system has a release as of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 EhP1 SP05
■ The central monitoring system (CEN) has a release as of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 EhP1
Installing Agent on Java instance
*Note :*If your System release is previous to SAP NetWeaver 7.0 EhP1 SP05 then follows the steps Otherwise Skip up to the Red Mark below:
Satellite System Host name:SIDadm 156> sapccmsr -j2ee -R pf=/usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile/START_SCS10_Satellite System Host name
INFO: CCMS agent sapccmsr working directory is /usr/sap/ccms/SID_10/sapccmsr
INFO: CCMS agent sapccmsr config file is /usr/sap/ccms/SID_10/sapccmsr/csmconf
INFO: Central Monitoring System is [PRD]. (found in config file)
additional CENTRAL system y/[n] ? : n
INFO: found ini file /usr/sap/ccms/SID_10/sapccmsr/sapccmsr.ini.
WARNING: ignoring additional ini file ./sapccmsr.ini.
INFO: Checking Distributed Statistical Records Library dsrlib.o
INFO: checking version an Unicodeness of dsrlib.o
INFO: DSR: Dynamic Library dsrlib.o (version 24) successfully loaded.
INFO: DSR: Dynamic Library dsrlib successfully loaded.
INFO: DSR: Path /usr/sap/ccms/SID_10/dsr for Distributed Statistical Records.
CCMS version 20040229, 64 bit, multithreaded, Unicode
compiled at Nov 6 2009
systemid 324 (IBM RS/6000 with AIX)
relno 7010
patch text patch collection 2009/4, OSS note 1304480
patchno 68
INFO Runtime:
running on Satellite System Host name AIX 3 5 00C641104C00
running with profile /usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile/START_SCS10_Satellite System Host name
INFO profile parameters:
alert/MONI_SEGM_SIZE = 60000000
alert/TRACE = 1
SAPLOCALHOST = Satellite System Host name
DIR_CCMS = /usr/sap/ccms
DIR_LOGGING = /usr/sap/SID/SCS10/log
DIR_PERF = /usr/sap/tmp
pid 3125292
INFO: Attached to Shared Memory Key 73 (size 60000000), no pool used
INFO: Connected to Monitoring Segment [CCMS Monitoring Segment for Satellite System Host name_SID_10_X, created with version CCMS version 20040229, 64 bit multithreaded, compiled at Nov 6 2009, kernel 7010_20020600_68, platform 324 (IBM RS/6000 with AIX)]
segment status WARM_UP
segment started at Tue Aug 10 11:33:10 2010
segment version 20040229
********************* PRD *********************
Please enter the logon info for an admin user of the
central monitoring system [PRD].
The user should have system administrator privileges
client [000]
user [CCMS_ADM]
language [DE]
trace level [0]
application server [sapPRDc1Solution Manager Hostname]
system number [00]
Logon info ok n/[y] ? : y
please enter password for [PRD:000:CCMS_ADM]: ********
Try to connect ...
INFO: [PRD:000:CCMS_ADM] connected to PRD, host sapPRDc1Solution Manager Hostname, System Nr. 00, traceflag [ ]
INFO: PRD release is 701 , (kernel release 701 )
This program will act as registered RFC server lateron.
Please enter the info for a gateway of monitoring system PRD
gateway info:
host: [sapPRDc1Solution Manager Hostname]
service: [sapgw00]
Gateway info ok n/[y] ? : y
*** CCMS agent sapccmsr: RFC client functionality ***
This CCMS agent program sapccmsr is able to actively report
alert data into the monitoring system [PRD].
To enable this feature, you have to setup the user CSMREG
in [PRD]. (refer to SAP Online-help, search for 'CSMREG').
Alternatively use any user in [PRD] that has at least authorization ).
to call per RFC function groups
After entering the RFC logon info for the user, the password
will be stored here on this machine in a Secure Storage.
client [000]
user [CSMREG]
language [DE]
trace level [0]
application server [sapPRDc1Solution Manager Hostname]
system number [00]
Logon info ok n/[y] ? : y
please enter password for [PRD:000:CSMREG]: ******
Try to connect ...
INFO: [PRD:000:CSMREG] connected to PRD, host sapPRDc1Solution Manager Hostname, System Nr. 00, traceflag [ ]
INFO: PRD release is 701 , (kernel release 701 ), CCMS version 20060508
INFO: RFC logon info for [PRD:000:CSMREG] can be updated at any time with -R option:
sapccmsr -R <params>
INFO: Updated saprfc.ini in agent work directory /usr/sap/ccms/SID_10/sapccmsr
INFO: Connected to PRD, CCMS version in ABAP: 20060508
[optional] monitored system SID belongs to system group :
INFO: Successfully modified RFC destination N3STAT.SATELLITE SYSTEM HOST NAME.10.
INFO: successfully registered at PRD
INFO: Updated config file /usr/sap/ccms/SID_10/sapccmsr/csmconf.
Start agent? n/[y] :Y
INFO: Agent is running (actual pid file is detected)
INFO: Setting Stop Flag for sapccmsr
INFO: Waiting for background process to stop...
INFO: Background process was stopped.
INFO: CCMS agent sapccmsr working directory is /usr/sap/ccms/SID_10/sapccmsr
INFO: CCMS agent sapccmsr config file is /usr/sap/ccms/SID_10/sapccmsr/csmconf
INFO: Central Monitoring System is [PRD]. (found in config file)
INFO: No agent running (no actual pid, no actual shared memory)
CCMS version 20040229, 64 bit, multithreaded, Unicode
compiled at Nov 6 2009
systemid 324 (IBM RS/6000 with AIX)
relno 7010
patch text patch collection 2009/4, OSS note 1304480
patchno 68
INFO Runtime:
running on Satellite System Host name AIX 3 5 00C641104C00
running with profile /usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile/START_SCS10_Satellite System Host name
INFO profile parameters:
alert/MONI_SEGM_SIZE = 60000000
alert/TRACE = 1
SAPLOCALHOST = Satellite System Host name
DIR_CCMS = /usr/sap/ccms
DIR_LOGGING = /usr/sap/SID/SCS10/log
DIR_PERF = /usr/sap/tmp
pid 3125292
INFO: Reconnected to Monitoring Segment [SAP_CCMS_Satellite System Host name_SID_10_X], size [60000000], started at Tue Aug 10 11:33:10 2010
In Visual Administrator
Path of Visual Administrator
/usr/sap/SID/instance DIR/j2ee/admin/go.exe
Login with Corresponding User
In Cluster node èSIDèDispatcherèServicesè Monitoringè CCMS Agent Configuration
Enter the corresponding password and select Register Button
Wait up to Registration Completed Successfully.
In cluster node è SID è in Server nodeè JCO RFC provider
In Bundles Tab Create JCO RFC provider in the following format
SAP.CCMS.J2EE.SID and set and Run.
In CEN System Create TCP/IP RFC type (T )with above mention name (SAP.CCMS.J2EE.SID ).
In CEN system in RZ21
Select Radio button Agents for Remote System è Select Display Overview
In this Display Technical Topology , Change to Edit Mode and Select corresponding java system select the J2EE customizing Destination and add the Corresponding RFC and Click the Save Button
3.1.4. Automatically start of ccms agent
Under UNIX, you must ensure yourself that SAPCCM4X is automatically started again when the host is restarted. To do this, enter the following command in the inittab (/etc/inittab):
/usr/sap/<SysID>/SYS/exe/run/sapccm4x -DCCMS pf=<profile path>
/usr/sap/<SysID>/SYS/exe/run/sapccmsr -DCCMS pf=<profile path>
3.1.5. Checking in CEN the ccms agent registration
To check whether the agent was successfully registered with CEN, call transaction RZ21 in CEN, select the radio button Agents for Remote Systems, and choose the Display Overview button. The agent that you have just registered appears in the list in the row SAPCCM4X.<host name>.<inst. no.>.
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