Friday, 12 October 2012

Solution Manager 7.1 Upgrade

Some of the pain points during/after Solution Manager 7.1 Upgrade:

1) In pre-processing phase during upgrade, REPACHK2 phase comes which locks the workbench repository and this phase is “late lock” phase. Once, workbench will be locked then you would not be able to do changes in transactionSOLAR01, SOLAR02, STWB_2, RMDEF, and RMAUTH.
It means you cannot do changes in Project‘s.

Please check SAP note 1685738 for more information.

2) After upgrade to Solution Manager 7.1, there might be issue that early watch reports will not be generated. This is because D_SOLM_ACT authorization object is obsolete and it is replaced with new authorization objectD_SVAS_SES.
This authorization object should be assigned to user used in back RFC to solution manager system in satellite system.

It is highly recommended to review Solution Manager Security Guide to find out all obsolete authorization objects.

3) DSWP t-code is obsolete from solution manager 7.1. As SAP has made work center mandatory from Solution Manager 7.1. So, it is replaced with t-code solman_workcenter.

4) While you are syncing LMDB with SLD, then you need to make sure that CR Content & CIM Model should fulfill the prerequisite. Please find below the prerequisite of CR Content & CIM Model:
Solution Manager 7.1 SP02 and SP03
- Required CIM Model version = 1.6.16
- Required CR Content version = 7.0
Solution Manager 7.1 SP04
- Required CIM Model version = 1.6.21
- Required CR Content version = 7.5
Solution Manager 7.1 SP05
- Required CIM Model version = 1.6.27
            - Required CR Content version = 7.1

                For more information, Check SAP note 1701770.

5) One of the frequent problems that I faced while doing full sync of LMDB with SLD is that it takes couple of hours to do the complete sync. I found some interesting SAP notes which reduced sync time. Please check SAP note 1594654 & 1555955.


  1. Hi ,

    I am looking to Upgrade Solman 7.1 SP04 to SP06 please let me know what chnages are required to be done.

    Can you please help me with the issues and chnages done after this upgrade,


    1. yes,but my ourly rate is $30 and if u need to support than feel free to contect below mail id.
