Wednesday, 3 July 2013

deleting BI statistics data

  • Bi content related to Bi statistics should be installed to store this information in the respective info providers before deleting the data from the Data base tables.
  • All the BI statistics have to be maintained
  • All the statistical data of the Bi statistics like dtp query runtime, number of users and so on data will be stored in the data base tables. If you require them to be deleted after a certain period of time you can follow the following procedures.
Some tables that contain BW statistics data:
  1. Saves the entries of the query runtime statistics
  2. View containing data from the events from the areas for the front end and calculation layer of the analytic engine (Front End/OLAP).
  3. Similar to old 3.x one but now has different breakdown for OLAP time.
  1. Combines Handle & Step type.
  2. This table helps to identify where the time is being spent.


  1. Properties of the Statistic Object (Query, Template)
  2. Detail Level of the OLAP Statistics Label
  3. Detail Level of the OLAP Statistics Label
  4. Internal ID of a Query Runtime Object
  5. Internal ID of a Query Runtime Object


  1. Detail Table of Navigation for each InfoCube/Query.

In addition to the above mentioned tables there are many tables which store the information of the BI statistics.

Procedure to delete the Data:
This can be done in two ways in which this document (part1)describes step by step analysis in it
Procedure 1:
Pass the tcode RSDDSTAT:
You find the following screen
Where Query is chosen by default, this is for deleting statistical data for Queries
This is for deleting statistical data for Info Providerd2.JPG
This is for deleting statistical data for Web Template
This is for deleting statistical data for Workbook
All you have to do is to choose your query and click ‘Delete Statistical Data’
You will get the following screen
Here we can select among four options for which data has to be deleted.
Also you can select the time period for which the data has to be deleted.
Once you say continue the data in the Bi statistics table is deleted
You can confirm that by the message that comes on the left bottom
Procedure 2:
Execute the program RSDDSTAT_DATA_DELETE in tcode SE38
Where you will come to the following screen
Here you can make your own selections and the specified selections can be stored as a variant,
For creating a variant for the chosen selections
After giving your selections Goto>Varinats>Save as varaint
Give the Variant name and Meaning before saving the variant
Once the variant is saved you can view it in
Where you will get a list of created variables you can choose your varibale and execute the deletion process or add the varinat in a new program and execute in the process chain at required intervals  of time period.

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