Friday, 30 August 2013

Database export from ECC6 on DB2 z/OS

You need to start by locating the installation master media for your particular product version and running SAPinst:
An error in the XML file needs to be corrected. This happens sometimes when SAPinst can't detect the database type.
sp2n15:bfsadm 84> vi keydb.xml
change this
      <fld name="dbtype">
for this
      <fld name="dbtype">
And retry or restart.
Goto BFS -> SE38
No files were generated in /tmp
Check your filesystem space frequently to keep track of the available space remaining while the export runs.
sp2n15:bfsadm> df -m
Filesystem    MB blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4          64.00     24.38 62%     3425    11% /
/dev/hd2        1984.00    265.70 87%    39459     8% /usr
/dev/hd9var       64.00 44.71   31%      634 4% /var
/dev/hd3          64.00     35.58 45%      420     3% /tmp
/dev/hd1          64.00     15.08 77%      518     4% /home
/dev/hd10opt      64.00 22.76   65%     1083 7% /opt
/dev/bfssapputlv  10240.00 1318.68   88%     7140 1% /usr/sap/put
/dev/bfsusrsaplv   1024.00 873.90   15%      493 1% /usr/sap/BFS
/dev/bfssapmntlv   2304.00 336.18   86%     6998 2% /sapmnt/BFS
/dev/bfsdatalv   5760.00 638.02   89%     5166 1% /data/BFS
/dev/n15db2clv    640.00 84.12   87%     4148 3% /usr/opt/db2_08_01
/dev/tmpinstlv   4096.00 3933.26    4%       71 1% /tmp/install
/dev/tmpcorelv   4096.00 3894.02    5%       28 1% /tmp/core
/dev/bfssaptralv 2048.00   1609.15   22% 397     1% /usr/sap/trans
isbfd:/data/dbexport 128000.00  88958.16   31% 15162     1% /data/dbexport
These files start growing…
sp2n15:bfsadm> pwd
sp2n15:bfsadm> ls -lasR
total 8
   0 drwxrwxr-x   4 bfsadm sapsys          256 Nov 06 17:21 .
   4 drwxrwxrwx 23 root     system         4096 Nov 06 17:21 ..
   0 drwxrwxr-x   2 bfsadm sapsys          256 Nov 06 17:31 DATA
   0 drwxrwxr-x   8 bfsadm sapsys          256 Nov 06 17:21 DB
   4 -rw-rw-r--   1 root sapinst          24 Nov 06 17:21 LABEL.ASC
total 48488
   0 drwxrwxr-x   2 bfsadm sapsys          256 Nov 06 17:31 .
   0 drwxrwxr-x   4 bfsadm sapsys          256 Nov 06 17:21 ..
18996 -rw-r--r--   1 bfsadm   sapsys 19449996 Nov 06 17:31 SAPAPPL0.STR
18440 -rw-r--r--   1 bfsadm   sapsys 18881441 Nov 06 17:29 SAPAPPL1.STR
10740 -rw-r--r--   1 bfsadm   sapsys 10997379 Nov 06 17:33 SAPAPPL2.STR
244 -rw-r--r--   1 bfsadm sapsys       248051 Nov 06 17:27 SAPSDIC.STR
   0 -rw-r--r--   1 bfsadm sapsys            0 Nov 06 17:27 SAPSTR.LST
  68 -rw-r--r--   1 bfsadm sapsys        68334 Nov 06 17:27 SAPUSER.STR
Then I ran into this error:
QCM TABLES prevented the creation of template files.
Try going to SE14, delete all QCM Tables and Restart!
I Checked this file:
sp2n15:bfsadm> more R3szchkExport.log
(IDL) Info:  ddldb2lib version is 700.13
(IDL) Info:  ddldb2lib level is 700.14
(RLL) Info:  reading db2 location lists from /data/dbexport/ABAP/DB/DDLDB2.TPL
(RTF) ########## WARNING ###########
        Without ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY the exported data may be unusable for some databases
(CHL) Info: libvers found in ddl file is 700.13
(RTP) Info: reading pagesize list from file /data/dbexport/ABAP/DB/DDLDB2.TPL
(RLL) Info:  finished reading location lists
(CHS) Info:  collecting db2 object info
(GSD) Error: Space check for table QCMDD24S not possible
             It does not exist in the database
             Database and the structure export files are inconsistent
(IDL) Info:  ddldb2lib version is 700.13
(IDL) Info:  ddldb2lib level is 700.14
(RLL) Info:  reading db2 location lists from /data/dbexport/ABAP/DB/DDLDB2.TPL
(RTF) ########## WARNING ###########
        Without ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY the exported data may be unusable for some databases
(CHL) Info: libvers found in ddl file is 700.13
(RTP) Info: reading pagesize list from file /data/dbexport/ABAP/DB/DDLDB2.TPL
(RLL) Info:  finished reading location lists
(CHS) Info:  collecting db2 object info
(GSD) Error: Space check for table QCMDD24S not possible
It does not exist in the database
             Database and the structure export files are inconsistent
I located the STR files that were referencing the QCM tables:
sp2n15:bfsadm> grep -i QCMDD24S *
SAPAPPL1.STR:att: APPL1 1  ?? T all    QCMDD24S~0                     APPL1 1
sp2n15:bfsadm> ls -las SAPAPPL1.STR
18400 -rw-rw-r--   1 bfsadm   sapsys 18840118 Nov 06 19:25 SAPAPPL1.STR
I found the following tip:
2.6.2 R3szchk
R3szchk would not run successfully, because the utility believed that a temporary table that
had been dropped was still in the database, and attempted to either access it or retrieve
information about the table from the catalog . The Utility uses the STR files to create the TSK
and CMD files. To get around the problem we simply deleted the table definition from the
STR file, and restarted the process. The STR files are under the DATA directory of the export.
Edit SAPAPPL1.STR and delete all QCMDD24S entries in there and retry!
After doing this, RETRY. It ran for a long time… next morning it was all done!
*** SUCCESS ***
Database Export Complete!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the detailed document. :)
