Friday, 16 August 2013

Rebuild the index in oracle/SAP

An example when you are required to rebuild an index is if in the brconnect stats log it is specified that an index is in an unusable, missing, or bad index. There are three ways that can help you succeed with this task. If we are talking about an single oracle database that is not working with other systems, than, of course, the only way is to rebuild the index at sql level. But we are not talking only about databases so far but about SAP systems that work with Oracle databases as well right?
You can rebuild an unusable, missing, or bad index by choosing any solution from the following 3:
1. Rebuild the index from SAP.
In order to perform this task in SAP, you need to run a report of course. You need to go to SAP transaction SE38, or if you prefer, SA38. In this transaction you will execute the report RSANAORA. Once you had this report executed, on the screen that follows you only need to put your index name in the field and choose radio button Index rebuild. The last step is to choose execute button again.
2. Rebuild the index at sql level.
In order to rebuild an index with this method you must log on to operation system level with the ora<sid> user. Once you are logged on connect with “sqlplus / as sysdba” string.  Now, for rebuilding the index you want you will use this command alter index <name of the index> rebuild online.
3. Rebuild the index using Brtools.
That is of course as you already know a solution that you can use being logged on as orasid at OS level. After you choose brtools. Of course if you want you can type directly the specific command of brspace for rebuilding the index, but here I will show you how to do it and also understand the steps.  First you will choose from the brtools menu option 3: Segment Management. In the next menu on option 3 you have Rebuild index. In the next menu under option 7 you will be asked to provide the name of the index you want to rebuild. After you did that, all you have to do is proceed with option ‘c’ (continue) in order to have the index rebuild.

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