Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Step By Step Process to configure SLD, MOPZ & EWA in Solution Manager 7.1 SP 8

Recently, I have installed & configured latest Solution Manager 7.1 (SP 8) in windows environment. I found that various amendments have appeared in new Solution Manager 7.1 as compared to classic 7.0 EHP 1 version. Majorly, the scenario of configuring SLD, MOPZ & EWA is changed by incurring LMDB concept in between. I am herewith describing the steps to be performed for establishing above things :-
Let's take scenario of registering an ABAP system (ECC) in Solution Manager central SLD. Generally local SLD & central SLD needs to be different, for example apart from Solution Manager local SLD, central SLD should be placed in EP (Enterprise Portal Server) , but fortunately in our case, both the SLDs are mutually placed in  Solution Manager itself. OK... So, before proceeding to configure the above scenario, please make sure you have fulfilled following requirements :-
1. Apply the central note in Solution Manager. Most of the time some of the notes embedded in central note leads to various dump in standard T-Codes, so please make sue whether all are applicable to your scenario or not. Otherwise after implementing all , you can uninstall the inconsistent ones from SNOTE itself.
3. Cross check whether OSS1 connection is working or not and also check the SAP ROUTER connection is open for it or not. In general it gets connected during no. 2 configuration.
4. Install latest ST-PI & ST-A/PI software component patches in satellite as well as in Solution Manager systems. (It's required for EWA configuration).
Yup... Now we can proceed for our main configurations ...................................
1. Execute RZ70 in ECC (as we have taken ECC as satellite system) and provide credential of Solution manager (Hostname and gateway ) and trigger "Start Data Collection and Job Scheduling". It will send the data to Solution Manager SLD.
    If you don't get any error in in RZ70 and it shows that it got successfully sent , then congratzzzz you did it  , but if unluckily you get error like 'RFC OPEN ERROR' then follow below additional steps :-
    A. Delete the SLD_UC & SLD_NUC RFCs from Solution Manager system.
    B. Surf http://<solman host name>: <port>/sld and click on ADMINISTRATION > PROFILE . Select the SECTION as ALL and give the details of ECC server host name & gateway details in two respective fields.
       C. Now save the changes and restart the SLD.
       D. Now again go to ECC server and run RZ70 by giving details of ECC server itself instead of Solution manager. It will still trigger the SLD details to Solution manager (Though it sound strange, but it works   ... Salute to Tom Cenens for his helpful blog ) .
2. Now you can see the technical system details in solman SLD. Now check whether "SAP_LMDB_LDB_0000000001" job (program name: AI_LMDB_R_SYNC_RUNNER) is continuously running successfully or not, because it plays vital role to drag data from SLD to LMDB.
3. Now go to SMSY_SETUP T-Code and click on "Schedule Data Transfer From TMS/SLD" or PRESS F8 and monitor the Landscape_Fetch  job. After successfully completion of this job, you can see the ECC system SID in SMSY.
4. Now manually create Logical component for the ECC under SAP ERP Logical component in SMSY . It will show the ECC SID under developement/quality/live System.
5. Now create a SOLUTION and assign the created logical component in it. To create SOLUTION, follow below steps :-
     A. Execute SOLMAN_WORKCENTER > Solution manager Administration tab > Solutions > Click on NEW . Give any name like ZECC and choose language as ENGLISH and save.
     B. Now again go to SMSY and select the created solution under SOLUTION LANDSCAPES- OPERATION and assign the logical component to it. After assigning right click on the SID shown under Product System and select "Put in solution". Then the tab color will turn to GREEN. Please note that production systems becomes GREEN automatically , but for DE, QA, SND, we need to follow this process.
      C. Now save the changes in SMSY.
1.  Execute LVSM_LOAD transaction in Solman.
2.  Then execute LVSM and check if any error exists in for the concern SID (In our case it's ECC). If any error is appearing like wrong product assignment or something, then check the guidelines shown over there and perform accordingly.
3. Execute SOLMAN_WORKCENTER > Change Management > New Maintenance Transaction .
4. Choose the solution name in which you have registered the ABAP system and select the SID.
NB:   @ For all these operations, you can use SOLMAN_ADMIN ID or assign your ID in AISUSER T-Code with valid S user ID .
         @ Maintain following parameters in instance profile:-
             login/accept_sso2_ticket                    1
             login/create_sso2_ticket                     2
5.  And then press NEXT ... NEXT ... NEXT by choosing your suitable options and generate the XML file and download the required files through download basket.
1. Log into 000 client of ECC (satellite) system with DDIC user and schedule below two jobs on hourly basis :-
    Job Name                                                                                     Program Name       
    SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR                                        RSCOLL00
    SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_JOBSTATISTIC                                         RSBPCOLL
These jobs are required to collect data for server health.
2. Also check whether SAPOSCOL is running in satellite system or not, if not start following two services :-
   A. SAPHostControl
    B. SAPHostExec
3. Now check RTCCTOOL report by executing through SE38 whether all are appearing in GREEN or not, if not , take the steps accordingly based on availed instructions.
4. Now execute SDCCN > Utilities > Activate.
5. Now GO TO > SETTINGS > TASK-SPECIFIC > Check the RFC destinations tab whether both the RFCs (SOLMAN BACK & SDCC_OSS ) are working or not.
NB: These back RFCs can be generated from Managed System Configuration tab under SOLMAN_SETUP.
6. Now go to solution manager and execute SMSY > Environment > Solution Manager Operations > Administration SDCCN . Add the satellite system and choose solution manager as master system and save it.
7. Now in satellite system under SDCCN > CREATE > Refresh Service Destinations. After creation of task, select the task and choose EDIT> START NOW.
8. After completion of this task again click on CREATE > Request Session Data > Choose PERIODIC (EarlyWatch Alert) and check the scheduling criteria. By default it gets scheduled on every Monday on weekly basis.
9. Now got to SOLMAN_WORKCENTER > Sytem Monitoring > Reports > Click on solution of respective satellite system >  You can see the EWA reports here (both standard and short formats).
Please make sure the user through which you are logged into, should have SAP_SMWORK_SYS_MON  role and business partner should be generated for the same.


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