Tuesday, 26 November 2013

DSO Request Activation - Fatal error occured

This document deals with the error when activating the DSO Requests.

When you activate the DSO request below error displayed,
Fatal error occured while starting dialog process 000001

Cause of this Issue :

Error RSODSO_PROCESSING048 (Fatal error occured while starting dialog process ###) occured during SID determination because in transaction
RSODSO_SETTINGS for DSO << DSO Technical Name>> the flag "Dialog" is set in 'parameters for SID generation', but in your system, most likely there were no DIA processes available to process SID generation.

Solution :

  1. Uncheck the "Dialog" and change to "Background".
  2. RSODSO_SETTINGS transaction and change the max. package size for the activation and the SID generation from 20000 to 10000.
  3. Check this in RZ04 T-code.
             SAP common recommendations:
            Batch processes    = (All Processes/2)+1 (Sum of process /2 +1,should be the batch process).
             Wait Time in Sec.  =   3 * rdisp/max_wprun_time
             rdisp/max_wprun_time - RZ11  (Note 25528)

    4.Check the SAP Notes :
  • 1118205  RSODSO_SETTINGS Maintain runtime parameter of DataStore obj.
  • 1392715  DSO req. activation:collective perf. problem note.
  • 1682319 - Activating standard DSO in BW 7.0x

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