Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Resetting the queue during a SPAM/SAINT update

Resetting the queue is a very risky, and often very time consuming process.

One must always ensure that if the queue must be reset, it is reset at the correct point during the update in order to avoid creating inconsistencies in the system. The queue must never be reset after the DDIC_IMPORT phase of the support package activity.

If the queue is reset after the DDIC_IMPORT phase :

i) Inconsistencies in the system will be created.
ii) The OCS tables will no longer reflect the package level of the system.
iii) Parts of the DDIC repository may no longer match ABAP sources.
iv) Arbitrary syntax may occur.

If, however, you do reset the queue after this phase, then you must do the following :

i) Take a valid backup of the system (advised).
ii) Use the function module OCS_RESET_QUEUE with the parameters IV_TOOL=SPAM and IV_FORCE =X.
ii) Ensure that the next queue that you apply completely includes the deleted queue.

However, if the update has not yet crossed the DDIC_IMPORT phase, you can continue to reset the queue as follows :

i) Choose Extras -> Reset status -> Queue.
ii) Choose 'Delete' in the queue dialog box.

When performing a queue reset, it is very important to keep in mind that you that you must re-import any package which has ever been in an applied queue in one single queue.

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