Wednesday, 27 November 2013

ST03 -: No System Load data available

In Transaction ST03 , you encounter No system load data available. The same is the case with the STAD transaction.


Even the scheduling of the hourly job SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFORMANCE does not help.

Check the output of the following report to see if there are any inconsistencies in the Time Zone Settings -:
TZONECHECK -> Check Time Zone Data for Consistency
TZCUSTHELP -> Troubleshooting Support for Time Zone Settings

Please refer the note which would help in resolving the issue -:
1888095 - ST03/ST03N gets popup "No system load data available".

Transaction -: STZAC

On clicking Yes -: You get the following
Reason can be verified in SCC4 transaction as can be seen below that the client 000 is set to No Changes allowed. Change this setting for the time to Changes Without Automatic Recording.

Change this setting -: SCC4 -> Click the change icon -> This display the information -:

Proceed . Then select the client 000 -> Goto -> Details and change it as displayed below.

Save the changes and again use the transaction STZAC and change the System Time Zone and User’s Default Time Zone accordingly and save the changes. Please revert to No Changes allowed for client SCC4 after the changes to System Time Zone and User's default Time Zone has been done successfully.

Details of scheduling the Job in SM36 -:
Click on Start Condition and set immediate, Periodic
Set the hourly periodic value -:
Save. No Variant.

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