Thursday, 19 December 2013

How to install SAP HANA Studio

This is a pretty trivial thing but I keep looking for the URL and can't find it, so it can't be that easy to find. So I thought I'd write a document so I can find it in future. Maybe it helps someone else :-)

As a bonus, we then go on to configure the Developer perspective and build our first Hello World XS app using the new HANA SP07 Team functionality.

There is no current supported version of SAP HANA Studio for Mac as of SP07 - we hope for a version to come in the future. But, there is an internal build that SAP use, and our friends at the SAP HANA Developer Center made it available for us to use! It is available on the SAP HANA Developer Center page. This version is usually a few revisions behind the current revision of SAP HANA Studio, and is only updated from time to time, and explicitly offers you no formal support.

You can go ahead and download it now! I find the SAP HANA Developer Center gives me great download speeds, so it's downloaded whilst I wrote this paragraph! It will appear in your downloads as a GZ file:

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Double click on the GZ file and it will quietly create a folder called hdbstudio, which you can navigate into. Be careful, because this folder will have an older date so you may not spot it!

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I copy this top level folder into the Applications folder - HANA doesn't do this automatically, at least for now! I already have a version there, so it prompts me to copy it.
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Then, I open the hdbstudio folder and drag the hdbstudio Application onto my taskbar. It looks like this:
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If you are running a new-ish version of Mac OS X it won't let you run this file - it will give you this error message: "hdbstudio" can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.
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Not to worry... press Apple --> System Preferences --> Security & Privacy. You should see the following:
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You can go ahead and click Open Anyway!
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Click Open. Yay... along comes HANA Studio!
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Here it is in all its glory...
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If you're new to SAP HANA, here's how to connect. Click Open Administration Console --> Right click and click Add System
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Enter the system details, username and password and click "Save to Secure Storage"
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Now you have your HANA system, with the Rev.68 version on Mac you should be able to use the developer tools without regi.exe - and so do native development. Select Window -> Open Perspective -> Other -> SAP HANA Development and press OK:
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Select Repositories -> Create Repository Workspace:
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You can now browse the repository workspace on your HANA Server. Here is some SAP-delivered content:
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Now you can click the Project Explorer View and select New -> Project:
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We have to drill in to find the HANA XS Project:
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As of HANA SP07 I can just give the project a name... and select the default location.
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Now I have to share my project back to the HANA Server using the Eclipse Team functionality. Right click your project and select Team --> Share Project:
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You can give it whatever name you want, depending on where you want your project to end up in the SAP HANA Repository. I choose a location provided to me as a test area. Note that by default the project will create a subfolder, so my location will actually be trainingContent.trainees.USER11.xstest:
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That's it! My Project is configured and ready to go! Note that my project appears with a * next to it - meaning "unsaved", until we have some active content.
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For bonus points... let's go ahead and configure a simple Hello World scenario. Right click your project, select New -> Other and browse for the XS Application Descriptor File:
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Go through the wizard and finish up - don't change any settings. Then right click, select Team -> Activate.
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Repeat the same with the XS Application Access file - and activate it. Your project should look like this, and you're ready to go:
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Now let's create a simple index.html - right click your project, select New -> File -> index.html. It will open in a browser so close the browser, right click index.html and select Open With -> Text Editor.
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Then type Hello World... Save... and activate. We're done! Our Hello World example is exactly where you would hope. Note that it is our server name, followed by port (8000+system number), then our repository location that we configured, our project name, and index.html. Super simple!

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Final Words

I hope this helps someone get up to speed with HANA development fast! Note that if you are a HANA SP06 developer then this process is slightly different - and much simpler and more sensible.

A quick thanks to Rich Heilman and @Thomas_Jung for helping me out when I came to configure my first system. The differences between SP06 and SP07 left me confused.

Happy developing!


  1. sap hana is very easy to learn for any it student without knowledge on sap modules also
