Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Setting up Email Alerts in SUM Tool

Setting up Email Alerts in SUM Tool in UNIX (Solaris)

Below are detailed steps with screen shot to configure email ALERTS in SUM tool.
Once configured, SUM will send a email to the configured email ID whenever the SUM tool is waiting for user input.
This is useful as some of the upgrade phases ranges from few minutes to few hours.


  • Find out the SMTP server name and port (you can find it from TCODE SCOT in a SAP ABAP system)


1. Create the script and place it in a location that can be accessed by SUM tool

> 1068 $ cat email_pq3.sh
SUBJECT="SUM tool need input for PQ3"
echo "SUM tool need input" | mailx -s "$SUBJECT" "$EMAIL"

2. Test the script

- verify the script can run without errors
- ensure you receive the email when you execute the script

3. Configuration in SUM tool (screen shot attached)

3.1. Launch SUM tool
3.2. select SUM tool ==> Select Alert ==> Alert Info
3.3. For "Program" select the script that you created
3.4. Leave "Alert File" default value
3.5. Set "Alert Delay" (default 600s=10min, I usually set it to 120s)
3.6. Test the alert mechanism works by clicking the "Test" button
     - clicking the test button will call the script you prepared in step 1
     - so this should trigger an email alert
3.7. Ensure the "Set Active" checkbox is checked
3.8. Press OK

4. Now whenever the SUM tool need an input from the user, once the time specified in "Alert Delay" is reached you will receive an email.

5. For windows VBS script can be created using the sample script inhttp://scn.sap.com/thread/1647075

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