The restoration/ recovery process is demonstrated from an online backup.
1) Taken an onlie backup the details can be found in the file back<SID>.log under the directory -: /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup
pwd -: /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup -:
more -: back<SID>.log
belisydx and 2013-06-04 17.22.21 2013-06-04 17.59.28 0 ............... 26 25 0 740 27846009 741 27875663 ALL online disk -----c 7.20 (27) <SID> @/oracle/<SID>/sapbackup
2) It would be tried to delete the content of the table and try to recover the contents of the table present until 2013-06-04 19:17
SQL> select sysdate from dual;
04-JUN-2013 19:15:42
04-JUN-2013 19:15:42
SQL> select count(*) from dummy.employee;
SQL> desc dummy.employee;
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
SQL> alter system switch logfile;
System altered.
SQL> select sysdate from dual;
04-JUN-2013 19:17:40
04-JUN-2013 19:17:40
Till now the table has 297169 rows.
SQL> delete from dummy.employee where SEGMENT_NAME like 'A%';
10296 rows deleted.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
3) Check the last contents of the Alert<SID>.log file
MYLNX:<SID>adm 73> tail -f alert_<SID>.log
Tue Jun 04 17:59:31 2013
Archived Log entry 605 added for thread 1 sequence 740 ID 0x7c1b5137 dest 1:
Tue Jun 04 18:04:12 2013
Incremental checkpoint up to RBA [0x2e4.397ce.0], current log tail at RBA [0x2e5.76.0]
Tue Jun 04 18:04:35 2013
Completed checkpoint up to RBA [0x2e5.2.10], SCN: 27875663
Tue Jun 04 18:34:36 2013
Incremental checkpoint up to RBA [0x2e5.1c8.0], current log tail at RBA [0x2e5.c9d.0]
Tue Jun 04 19:05:00 2013
Incremental checkpoint up to RBA [0x2e5.f38.0], current log tail at RBA [0x2e5.f82.0]
Tue Jun 04 19:13:38 2013
Beginning log switch checkpoint up to RBA [0x2e6.2.10], SCN: 27878149
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 742 (LGWR switch)
Current log# 2 seq# 742 mem# 0: /oracle/<SID>/origlogB/log_g12m1.dbf
Current log# 2 seq# 742 mem# 1: /oracle/<SID>/mirrlogB/log_g12m2.dbf
Tue Jun 04 19:13:38 2013
Archived Log entry 606 added for thread 1 sequence 741 ID 0x7c1b5137 dest 1:
Tue Jun 04 19:17:11 2013
Beginning log switch checkpoint up to RBA [0x2e7.2.10], SCN: 27878266
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 743 (LGWR switch)
Current log# 3 seq# 743 mem# 0: /oracle/<SID>/origlogA/log_g13m1.dbf
Current log# 3 seq# 743 mem# 1: /oracle/<SID>/mirrlogA/log_g13m2.dbf
Tue Jun 04 19:17:11 2013
Archived Log entry 607 added for thread 1 sequence 742 ID 0x7c1b5137 dest 1: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Tue Jun 04 19:17:24 2013
Completed checkpoint up to RBA [0x2e6.2.10], SCN: 27878149
Tue Jun 04 19:21:53 2013
Beginning log switch checkpoint up to RBA [0x2e8.2.10], SCN: 27878414
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 744 (LGWR switch)
Current log# 4 seq# 744 mem# 0: /oracle/<SID>/origlogB/log_g14m1.dbf
Current log# 4 seq# 744 mem# 1: /oracle/<SID>/mirrlogB/log_g14m2.dbf
Tue Jun 04 19:21:54 2013
Archived Log entry 608 added for thread 1 sequence 743 ID 0x7c1b5137 dest 1:
4) The database is in Archive log mode -:
SQL> archive log list;
Database log mode Archive Mode
Automatic archival Enabled
Archive destination /oracle/<SID>/oraarch/<SID>arch
Oldest online log sequence 743
Next log sequence to archive 746
Current log sequence 746
The recent 10 files in Archived log detsination file
MYLNX:ora<SID> 55> ls -lrt | tail -10
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 189427200 2013-06-03 00:30 <SID>arch1_736_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 200620032 2013-06-04 14:04 <SID>arch1_737_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 37571072 2013-06-04 15:04 <SID>arch1_738_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 4183552 2013-06-04 15:27 <SID>arch1_739_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 120607744 2013-06-04 17:59 <SID>arch1_740_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 2104320 2013-06-04 19:13 <SID>arch1_741_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 37376 2013-06-04 19:17 <SID>arch1_742_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 2762752 2013-06-04 19:21 <SID>arch1_743_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 2560 2013-06-04 19:23 <SID>arch1_744_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 1024 2013-06-04 19:23 <SID>arch1_745_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 189427200 2013-06-03 00:30 <SID>arch1_736_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 200620032 2013-06-04 14:04 <SID>arch1_737_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 37571072 2013-06-04 15:04 <SID>arch1_738_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 4183552 2013-06-04 15:27 <SID>arch1_739_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 120607744 2013-06-04 17:59 <SID>arch1_740_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 2104320 2013-06-04 19:13 <SID>arch1_741_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 37376 2013-06-04 19:17 <SID>arch1_742_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 2762752 2013-06-04 19:21 <SID>arch1_743_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 2560 2013-06-04 19:23 <SID>arch1_744_813095671.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 ora<SID> dba 1024 2013-06-04 19:23 <SID>arch1_745_813095671.dbf
5) The incomplete recovery would be tried until -: 2013-06-04 19:17
BR0651I BRTOOLS 7.20 (27)
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.27
BR0656I Choice menu 1 - please make a selection
BR*Tools main menu
BR0656I Choice menu 1 - please make a selection
BR*Tools main menu
1 = Instance management
2 - Space management
3 - Segment management
4 - Backup and database copy
5 - Restore and recovery
6 - Check and verification
7 - Database statistics
8 - Additional functions
9 - Exit program
2 - Space management
3 - Segment management
4 - Backup and database copy
5 - Restore and recovery
6 - Check and verification
7 - Database statistics
8 - Additional functions
9 - Exit program
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.31
BR0663I Your choice: '5'
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.31
BR0663I Your choice: '5'
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.31
BR0656I Choice menu 11 - please make a selection
Restore and recovery
BR0656I Choice menu 11 - please make a selection
Restore and recovery
1 = Complete database recovery
2 - Database point-in-time recovery
3 - Tablespace point-in-time recovery
4 - Whole database reset
5 - Restore of individual backup files
6 - Restore and application of archivelog files
7 - Disaster recovery
8 - Manage flashback database
9 - Reset program status
2 - Database point-in-time recovery
3 - Tablespace point-in-time recovery
4 - Whole database reset
5 - Restore of individual backup files
6 - Restore and application of archivelog files
7 - Disaster recovery
8 - Manage flashback database
9 - Reset program status
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.40
BR0663I Your choice: '2'
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.40
BR0663I Your choice: '2'
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.40
BR0657I Input menu 34 - please enter/check input values
BRRECOVER options for restore and recovery
BR0657I Input menu 34 - please enter/check input values
BRRECOVER options for restore and recovery
1 * Recovery type (type) ............. [dbpit]
2 - BRRECOVER profile (profile) ...... [init<SID>.sap]
3 ~ BACKINT/Mount profile (parfile) .. []
4 - Database user/password (user) .... [/]
5 - Recovery interval (interval) ..... [30]
6 - Confirmation mode (confirm) ...... [yes]
7 - Scrolling line count (scroll) .... [20]
8 - Message language (language) ...... [E]
9 - BRRECOVER command line (command) . [-p init<SID>.sap -t dbpit -i 30 -s 20 -l E]
2 - BRRECOVER profile (profile) ...... [init<SID>.sap]
3 ~ BACKINT/Mount profile (parfile) .. []
4 - Database user/password (user) .... [/]
5 - Recovery interval (interval) ..... [30]
6 - Confirmation mode (confirm) ...... [yes]
7 - Scrolling line count (scroll) .... [20]
8 - Message language (language) ...... [E]
9 - BRRECOVER command line (command) . [-p init<SID>.sap -t dbpit -i 30 -s 20 -l E]
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.43
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.43
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0291I BRRECOVER will be started with options '-p init<SID>.sap -t dbpit -i 30 -s 20 -l E'
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.43
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.45
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.45
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0701I BRRECOVER 7.20 (27)
BR0705I Start of database recovery: veljcskb.dpt 2013-06-06 17.06.45
BR0484I BRRECOVER log file: /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/veljcskb.dpt
BR0705I Start of database recovery: veljcskb.dpt 2013-06-06 17.06.45
BR0484I BRRECOVER log file: /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/veljcskb.dpt
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.45
BR0707I Recovery of database: <SID>
BR0708I BRRECOVER action ID: veljcskb
BR0709I BRRECOVER function ID: dpt
BR0710I Recovery type: dbpit
BR0707I Recovery of database: <SID>
BR0708I BRRECOVER action ID: veljcskb
BR0709I BRRECOVER function ID: dpt
BR0710I Recovery type: dbpit
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.45
BR0655I Control menu 103 - please decide how to proceed
Database point-in-time recovery main menu
BR0655I Control menu 103 - please decide how to proceed
Database point-in-time recovery main menu
1 = Set point-in-time for recovery
2 * Select database backup or flashback
3 * Check the status of database files
4 * Restore control files
5 * Restore data files
6 * Restore split incremental control files
7 * Restore and apply incremental backup
8 * Restore and apply archivelog files
9 * Restore archivelog files and flashback
10 * Open database and post-processing
11 * Exit program
12 - Reset program status
2 * Select database backup or flashback
3 * Check the status of database files
4 * Restore control files
5 * Restore data files
6 * Restore split incremental control files
7 * Restore and apply incremental backup
8 * Restore and apply archivelog files
9 * Restore archivelog files and flashback
10 * Open database and post-processing
11 * Exit program
12 - Reset program status
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.47
BR0663I Your choice: '1'
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.47
BR0663I Your choice: '1'
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.47
BR0657I Input menu 104 - please enter/check input values
Options for point-in-time recovery of database <SID>
BR0657I Input menu 104 - please enter/check input values
Options for point-in-time recovery of database <SID>
1 # Database instance of archivelog thread (instance) . []
2 ~ Last archivelog sequence to apply (last_seq) ...... []
3 ~ Last system change number to apply (last_scn) ..... []
4 ~ End point-in-time for recovery (end_pit) .......... []
2 ~ Last archivelog sequence to apply (last_seq) ...... []
3 ~ Last system change number to apply (last_scn) ..... []
4 ~ End point-in-time for recovery (end_pit) .......... []
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.50
BR0663I Your choice: '4'
BR0681I Enter string value for "end_pit" (<yyyy-mo-dd>) []:
2013-06-04 19.17.00
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.07.27
BR0683I New value for "end_pit": '2013-06-04 19.17.00'
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.06.50
BR0663I Your choice: '4'
BR0681I Enter string value for "end_pit" (<yyyy-mo-dd>) []:
2013-06-04 19.17.00
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.07.27
BR0683I New value for "end_pit": '2013-06-04 19.17.00'
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.07.27
BR0657I Input menu 104 - please enter/check input values
Options for point-in-time recovery of database <SID>
BR0657I Input menu 104 - please enter/check input values
Options for point-in-time recovery of database <SID>
1 # Database instance of archivelog thread (instance) . []
2 ~ Last archivelog sequence to apply (last_seq) ...... []
3 ~ Last system change number to apply (last_scn) ..... []
4 ~ End point-in-time for recovery (end_pit) .......... [2013-06-04 19.17.00]
2 ~ Last archivelog sequence to apply (last_seq) ...... []
3 ~ Last system change number to apply (last_scn) ..... []
4 ~ End point-in-time for recovery (end_pit) .......... [2013-06-04 19.17.00]
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.07.34
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.07.34
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.07.34
BR0655I Control menu 103 - please decide how to proceed
Database point-in-time recovery main menu
BR0655I Control menu 103 - please decide how to proceed
Database point-in-time recovery main menu
1 + Set point-in-time for recovery
2 = Select database backup or flashback
3 * Check the status of database files
4 * Restore control files
5 * Restore data files
6 * Restore split incremental control files
7 * Restore and apply incremental backup
8 * Restore and apply archivelog files
9 * Restore archivelog files and flashback
10 * Open database and post-processing
11 * Exit program
12 - Reset program status
2 = Select database backup or flashback
3 * Check the status of database files
4 * Restore control files
5 * Restore data files
6 * Restore split incremental control files
7 * Restore and apply incremental backup
8 * Restore and apply archivelog files
9 * Restore archivelog files and flashback
10 * Open database and post-processing
11 * Exit program
12 - Reset program status
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.07.45
BR0663I Your choice: '2'
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.07.45
BR0663I Your choice: '2'
BR0342I Database instance <SID> is open
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.07.46
BR0340I Switching to next online redolog file for database instance <SID> ...
BR0321I Switch to next online redolog file for database instance <SID> successful
BR0340I Switching to next online redolog file for database instance <SID> ...
BR0321I Switch to next online redolog file for database instance <SID> successful
BR0699I Reading log file /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/back<SID>.log ...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.07.47
BR0659I List menu 105 + please select one or more entries
Database backups / flashback for database point-in-time recovery
BR0659I List menu 105 + please select one or more entries
Database backups / flashback for database point-in-time recovery
Pos. Log/FBack Start time Type/SCN Mode Device Rc
1 = belisydx.and 2013-06-04 17.22.21 online all disk 0
2 - belisqnm.afd 2013-06-04 15.56.22 offl_force all disk 0
3 - belirvgw.afd 2013-06-04 11.56.54 offl_force all disk 0
2 - belisqnm.afd 2013-06-04 15.56.22 offl_force all disk 0
3 - belirvgw.afd 2013-06-04 11.56.54 offl_force all disk 0
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your selection:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.09.05
BR0663I Your selection: '1'
BR0662I Enter your selection:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.09.05
BR0663I Your selection: '1'
BR0699I Reading log file /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx.and ...
BR0772I Checking the availability of archivelog files for database instance <SID> ...
BR0030W BRARCHIVE summary log '/oracle/<SID>/saparch/arch<SID>.log' not found
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.09.05
BR0668I Warnings or errors occurred - you can continue to ignore them or go back to repeat the last action
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.09.24
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0668I Warnings or errors occurred - you can continue to ignore them or go back to repeat the last action
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.09.24
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.09.24
BR0655I Control menu 103 - please decide how to proceed
Database point-in-time recovery main menu
BR0655I Control menu 103 - please decide how to proceed
Database point-in-time recovery main menu
1 + Set point-in-time for recovery
2 + Select database backup or flashback
3 = Check the status of database files
4 * Restore control files
5 * Restore data files
6 # Restore split incremental control files
7 # Restore and apply incremental backup
8 * Restore and apply archivelog files
9 # Restore archivelog files and flashback
10 * Open database and post-processing
11 * Exit program
12 - Reset program status
2 + Select database backup or flashback
3 = Check the status of database files
4 * Restore control files
5 * Restore data files
6 # Restore split incremental control files
7 # Restore and apply incremental backup
8 * Restore and apply archivelog files
9 # Restore archivelog files and flashback
10 * Open database and post-processing
11 * Exit program
12 - Reset program status
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.09.33
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.09.33
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0342I Database instance <SID> is open
BR0750I Database instance <SID> will be remounted now in mode 'IMMEDIATE'
BR0750I Database instance <SID> will be remounted now in mode 'IMMEDIATE'
BR0068W SAP system is running or SAP user is connected to database instance <SID>
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.09.33
BR0668I Warnings or errors occurred - you can continue to ignore them or go back to repeat the last action
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.09.44
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0668I Warnings or errors occurred - you can continue to ignore them or go back to repeat the last action
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.09.44
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.09.44
BR0307I Shutting down database instance <SID> ...
BR0307I Shutting down database instance <SID> ...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.09.56
BR0308I Shutdown of database instance <SID> successful
BR0308I Shutdown of database instance <SID> successful
BR0370I Directory /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/veljcskb created
BR0202I Copying /oracle/<SID>/origlogA/cntrl/cntrl<SID>.dbf
BR0203I to /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/veljcskb/cntrl<SID>.old ...
BR0203I to /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/veljcskb/cntrl<SID>.old ...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.09.57
BR0330I Starting and mounting database instance <SID> ...
BR0330I Starting and mounting database instance <SID> ...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.04
BR0331I Start and mount of database instance <SID> successful
BR0331I Start and mount of database instance <SID> successful
BR0755I Checking the status of database files for instance <SID> ...
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_10/sr3.data10 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_9/sr3.data9 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_8/sr3.data8 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_1/sr3.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_7/sr3.data7 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_3/sr3.data3 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_4/sr3.data4 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_5/sr3.data5 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_6/sr3.data6 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_2/sr3.data2 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_3/sr3701.data3 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_4/sr3701.data4 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_2/sr3701.data2 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_1/sr3701.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_3/sr3db.data3 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_2/sr3db.data2 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_1/sr3db.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_4/sr3faiz.data4 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_3/sr3faiz.data3 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_2/sr3faiz.data2 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_1/sr3faiz.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3usr_1/sr3usr.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/temp_1/temp.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/undo_1/undo.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/sysaux_1/sysaux.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/system_1/system.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_9/sr3.data9 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_8/sr3.data8 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_1/sr3.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_7/sr3.data7 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_3/sr3.data3 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_4/sr3.data4 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_5/sr3.data5 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_6/sr3.data6 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_2/sr3.data2 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_3/sr3701.data3 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_4/sr3701.data4 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_2/sr3701.data2 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_1/sr3701.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_3/sr3db.data3 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_2/sr3db.data2 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_1/sr3db.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_4/sr3faiz.data4 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_3/sr3faiz.data3 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_2/sr3faiz.data2 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_1/sr3faiz.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3usr_1/sr3usr.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/temp_1/temp.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/undo_1/undo.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/sysaux_1/sysaux.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/system_1/system.data1 will be overwritten
BR1370W Caution: Point-in-time recovery may cause inconsistencies in SAP data and between SAP systems (see SAP note 434645)
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.04
BR0668I Warnings or errors occurred - you can continue to ignore them or go back to repeat the last action
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.34
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0668I Warnings or errors occurred - you can continue to ignore them or go back to repeat the last action
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.34
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.34
BR0655I Control menu 103 - please decide how to proceed
Database point-in-time recovery main menu
BR0655I Control menu 103 - please decide how to proceed
Database point-in-time recovery main menu
1 + Set point-in-time for recovery
2 + Select database backup or flashback
3 + Check the status of database files
4 - Restore control files
5 = Restore data files
6 # Restore split incremental control files
7 # Restore and apply incremental backup
8 * Restore and apply archivelog files
9 # Restore archivelog files and flashback
10 * Open database and post-processing
11 * Exit program
12 - Reset program status
2 + Select database backup or flashback
3 + Check the status of database files
4 - Restore control files
5 = Restore data files
6 # Restore split incremental control files
7 # Restore and apply incremental backup
8 * Restore and apply archivelog files
9 # Restore archivelog files and flashback
10 * Open database and post-processing
11 * Exit program
12 - Reset program status
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.41
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.41
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0614I Database instance <SID> is mounted
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.41
BR0657I Input menu 111 - please enter/check input values
BRRESTORE main options for restore of database files
BR0657I Input menu 111 - please enter/check input values
BRRESTORE main options for restore of database files
1 - BRRESTORE profile (profile) ........ [init<SID>.sap]
2 - BRBACKUP backup run (backup) ....... [belisydx.and]
3 - Fill-up previous restores (fillup) . [no]
4 - Restore device type (device) ....... [disk]
5 # BACKINT/Mount profile (parfile) .... []
6 - Database user/password (user) ...... [/]
7 - Files for restore (mode) ........... [all]
2 - BRBACKUP backup run (backup) ....... [belisydx.and]
3 - Fill-up previous restores (fillup) . [no]
4 - Restore device type (device) ....... [disk]
5 # BACKINT/Mount profile (parfile) .... []
6 - Database user/password (user) ...... [/]
7 - Files for restore (mode) ........... [all]
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.49
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.49
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.49
BR0657I Input menu 112 - please enter/check input values
Additional BRRESTORE options for restore of database files
BR0657I Input menu 112 - please enter/check input values
Additional BRRESTORE options for restore of database files
1 - Confirmation mode (confirm) ...... [yes]
2 - Query mode (query) ............... [no]
3 - Compression mode (compress) ...... [no]
4 - Parallel execution (execute) ..... [0]
5 - Additional output (output) ....... [no]
6 - Message language (language) ...... [E]
7 - BRRESTORE command line (command) . [-p init<SID>.sap -b belisydx.and -d disk -m all -k no -e 0 -l E -i 30]
2 - Query mode (query) ............... [no]
3 - Compression mode (compress) ...... [no]
4 - Parallel execution (execute) ..... [0]
5 - Additional output (output) ....... [no]
6 - Message language (language) ...... [E]
7 - BRRESTORE command line (command) . [-p init<SID>.sap -b belisydx.and -d disk -m all -k no -e 0 -l E -i 30]
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.52
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.52
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0291I BRRESTORE will be started with options '-p init<SID>.sap -b belisydx.and -d disk -m all -k no -e 0 -l E -i 30'
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.52
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.55
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.55
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0401I BRRESTORE 7.20 (27)
BR0405I Start of file restore: reljcstr.rsb 2013-06-06 17.10.55
BR0484I BRRESTORE log file: /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/reljcstr.rsb
BR0405I Start of file restore: reljcstr.rsb 2013-06-06 17.10.55
BR0484I BRRESTORE log file: /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/reljcstr.rsb
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_10/sr3.data10 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_9/sr3.data9 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_8/sr3.data8 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_1/sr3.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_7/sr3.data7 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_3/sr3.data3 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_4/sr3.data4 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_5/sr3.data5 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_6/sr3.data6 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_2/sr3.data2 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_3/sr3701.data3 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_4/sr3701.data4 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_2/sr3701.data2 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_1/sr3701.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_3/sr3db.data3 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_2/sr3db.data2 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_1/sr3db.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_4/sr3faiz.data4 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_3/sr3faiz.data3 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_2/sr3faiz.data2 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_1/sr3faiz.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3usr_1/sr3usr.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/undo_1/undo.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/sysaux_1/sysaux.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/system_1/system.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_9/sr3.data9 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_8/sr3.data8 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_1/sr3.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_7/sr3.data7 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_3/sr3.data3 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_4/sr3.data4 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_5/sr3.data5 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_6/sr3.data6 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_2/sr3.data2 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_3/sr3701.data3 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_4/sr3701.data4 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_2/sr3701.data2 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_1/sr3701.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_3/sr3db.data3 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_2/sr3db.data2 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_1/sr3db.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_4/sr3faiz.data4 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_3/sr3faiz.data3 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_2/sr3faiz.data2 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_1/sr3faiz.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3usr_1/sr3usr.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/undo_1/undo.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/sysaux_1/sysaux.data1 will be overwritten
BR0428W File /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/system_1/system.data1 will be overwritten
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.55
BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRRESTORE:
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.58
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRRESTORE:
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.58
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0456I Probably the database must be recovered due to restore from online backup
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.58
BR0407I Restore of database: <SID>
BR0408I BRRESTORE action ID: reljcstr
BR0409I BRRESTORE function ID: rsb
BR0449I Restore mode: ALL
BR0419I Files will be restored from backup: belisydx.and 2013-06-04 17.22.21
BR0416I 25 files found to restore, total size 69840.195 MB
BR0424I Files will not be decompressed
BR0421I Restore device type: disk
BR0420I Files will be restored from directory: /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx
BR0407I Restore of database: <SID>
BR0408I BRRESTORE action ID: reljcstr
BR0409I BRRESTORE function ID: rsb
BR0449I Restore mode: ALL
BR0419I Files will be restored from backup: belisydx.and 2013-06-04 17.22.21
BR0416I 25 files found to restore, total size 69840.195 MB
BR0424I Files will not be decompressed
BR0421I Restore device type: disk
BR0420I Files will be restored from directory: /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.10.58
BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRRESTORE:
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.11.02
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRRESTORE:
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.11.02
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_10/sr3.data10
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data10 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data10 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_10/sr3.data10
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data10 #1/1
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data10 #1/1
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.11.20
BR0418I 1 of 25 files restored - 1080.008 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 1.55%, estimated end time: 17:30
BR0001I *_________________________________________________
BR0418I 1 of 25 files restored - 1080.008 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 1.55%, estimated end time: 17:30
BR0001I *_________________________________________________
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_9/sr3.data9
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data9 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data9 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_9/sr3.data9
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data9 #1/2
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data9 #1/2
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.12.37
BR0418I 2 of 25 files restored - 3800.016 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 5.44%, estimated end time: 17:40
BR0001I ***_______________________________________________
BR0418I 2 of 25 files restored - 3800.016 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 5.44%, estimated end time: 17:40
BR0001I ***_______________________________________________
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_8/sr3.data8
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data8 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data8 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_8/sr3.data8
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data8 #1/3
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data8 #1/3
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.14.04
BR0418I 3 of 25 files restored - 6440.023 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 9.22%, estimated end time: 17:43
BR0001I *****_____________________________________________
BR0418I 3 of 25 files restored - 6440.023 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 9.22%, estimated end time: 17:43
BR0001I *****_____________________________________________
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_1/sr3.data1
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data1 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data1 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_1/sr3.data1
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data1 #1/4
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data1 #1/4
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.15.34
BR0418I 4 of 25 files restored - 9180.031 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 13.14%, estimated end time: 17:45
BR0001I *******___________________________________________
BR0418I 4 of 25 files restored - 9180.031 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 13.14%, estimated end time: 17:45
BR0001I *******___________________________________________
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_7/sr3.data7
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data7 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data7 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_7/sr3.data7
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data7 #1/5
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data7 #1/5
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.16.49
BR0418I 5 of 25 files restored - 11720.039 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 16.78%, estimated end time: 17:45
BR0001I ********__________________________________________
BR0418I 5 of 25 files restored - 11720.039 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 16.78%, estimated end time: 17:45
BR0001I ********__________________________________________
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_3/sr3.data3
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data3 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data3 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_3/sr3.data3
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data3 #1/6
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data3 #1/6
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.18.19
BR0418I 6 of 25 files restored - 14440.047 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 20.68%, estimated end time: 17:46
BR0001I **********________________________________________
BR0418I 6 of 25 files restored - 14440.047 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 20.68%, estimated end time: 17:46
BR0001I **********________________________________________
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_4/sr3.data4
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data4 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data4 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_4/sr3.data4
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data4 #1/7
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data4 #1/7
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.19.44
BR0418I 7 of 25 files restored - 17100.055 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 24.48%, estimated end time: 17:46
BR0001I ************______________________________________
BR0418I 7 of 25 files restored - 17100.055 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 24.48%, estimated end time: 17:46
BR0001I ************______________________________________
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_5/sr3.data5
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data5 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data5 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_5/sr3.data5
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data5 #1/8
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data5 #1/8
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.21.04
BR0418I 8 of 25 files restored - 19680.062 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 28.18%, estimated end time: 17:46
BR0001I **************____________________________________
BR0418I 8 of 25 files restored - 19680.062 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 28.18%, estimated end time: 17:46
BR0001I **************____________________________________
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_6/sr3.data6
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data6 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data6 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_6/sr3.data6
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data6 #1/9
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data6 #1/9
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.22.29
BR0418I 9 of 25 files restored - 22220.070 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 31.82%, estimated end time: 17:47
BR0001I ****************__________________________________
BR0418I 9 of 25 files restored - 22220.070 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 31.82%, estimated end time: 17:47
BR0001I ****************__________________________________
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_2/sr3.data2
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data2 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data2 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/sr3_2/sr3.data2
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data2 #1/10
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3.data2 #1/10
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.23.54
BR0418I 10 of 25 files restored - 24880.078 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 35.62%, estimated end time: 17:47
BR0001I ******************________________________________
BR0418I 10 of 25 files restored - 24880.078 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 35.62%, estimated end time: 17:47
BR0001I ******************________________________________
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_3/sr3701.data3
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3701.data3 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3701.data3 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_3/sr3701.data3
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3701.data3 #1/11
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3701.data3 #1/11
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.28.32
BR0418I 11 of 25 files restored - 33040.086 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 47.31%, estimated end time: 17:48
BR0001I ************************__________________________
BR0418I 11 of 25 files restored - 33040.086 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 47.31%, estimated end time: 17:48
BR0001I ************************__________________________
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_4/sr3701.data4
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3701.data4 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3701.data4 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_4/sr3701.data4
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3701.data4 #1/12
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3701.data4 #1/12
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.33.06
BR0418I 12 of 25 files restored - 41130.094 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 58.89%, estimated end time: 17:48
BR0001I *****************************_____________________
BR0418I 12 of 25 files restored - 41130.094 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 58.89%, estimated end time: 17:48
BR0001I *****************************_____________________
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_2/sr3701.data2
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3701.data2 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3701.data2 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_2/sr3701.data2
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3701.data2 #1/13
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3701.data2 #1/13
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.37.56
BR0418I 13 of 25 files restored - 49390.102 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 70.72%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I ***********************************_______________
BR0418I 13 of 25 files restored - 49390.102 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 70.72%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I ***********************************_______________
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_1/sr3701.data1
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3701.data1 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3701.data1 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata3/sr3701_1/sr3701.data1
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3701.data1 #1/14
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3701.data1 #1/14
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.42.46
BR0418I 14 of 25 files restored - 57470.109 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 82.29%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I *****************************************_________
BR0418I 14 of 25 files restored - 57470.109 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 82.29%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I *****************************************_________
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_3/sr3db.data3
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3db.data3 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3db.data3 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_3/sr3db.data3
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3db.data3 #1/15
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3db.data3 #1/15
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.43.23
BR0418I 15 of 25 files restored - 58470.117 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 83.72%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I ******************************************________
BR0418I 15 of 25 files restored - 58470.117 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 83.72%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I ******************************************________
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_2/sr3db.data2
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3db.data2 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3db.data2 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_2/sr3db.data2
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3db.data2 #1/16
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3db.data2 #1/16
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.44.26
BR0418I 16 of 25 files restored - 60470.125 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 86.58%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I *******************************************_______
BR0418I 16 of 25 files restored - 60470.125 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 86.58%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I *******************************************_______
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_1/sr3db.data1
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3db.data1 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3db.data1 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3db_1/sr3db.data1
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3db.data1 #1/17
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3db.data1 #1/17
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.45.39
BR0418I 17 of 25 files restored - 62470.133 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 89.45%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I *********************************************_____
BR0418I 17 of 25 files restored - 62470.133 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 89.45%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I *********************************************_____
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_4/sr3faiz.data4
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3faiz.data4 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3faiz.data4 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_4/sr3faiz.data4
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3faiz.data4 #1/18
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3faiz.data4 #1/18
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.46.05
BR0418I 18 of 25 files restored - 63470.141 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 90.88%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I *********************************************_____
BR0418I 18 of 25 files restored - 63470.141 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 90.88%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I *********************************************_____
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_3/sr3faiz.data3
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3faiz.data3 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3faiz.data3 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_3/sr3faiz.data3
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3faiz.data3 #1/19
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3faiz.data3 #1/19
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.46.52
BR0418I 19 of 25 files restored - 64470.148 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 92.31%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I **********************************************____
BR0418I 19 of 25 files restored - 64470.148 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 92.31%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I **********************************************____
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_2/sr3faiz.data2
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3faiz.data2 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3faiz.data2 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_2/sr3faiz.data2
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3faiz.data2 #1/20
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3faiz.data2 #1/20
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.47.19
BR0418I 20 of 25 files restored - 65470.156 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 93.74%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I ***********************************************___
BR0418I 20 of 25 files restored - 65470.156 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 93.74%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I ***********************************************___
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_1/sr3faiz.data1
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3faiz.data1 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3faiz.data1 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3faiz_1/sr3faiz.data1
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3faiz.data1 #1/21
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3faiz.data1 #1/21
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.47.50
BR0418I 21 of 25 files restored - 66470.164 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 95.17%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I ************************************************__
BR0418I 21 of 25 files restored - 66470.164 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 95.17%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I ************************************************__
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3usr_1/sr3usr.data1
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3usr.data1 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3usr.data1 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata4/sr3usr_1/sr3usr.data1
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3usr.data1 #1/22
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sr3usr.data1 #1/22
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.47.52
BR0418I 22 of 25 files restored - 66490.172 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 95.20%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I ************************************************__
BR0418I 22 of 25 files restored - 66490.172 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 95.20%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I ************************************************__
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/undo_1/undo.data1
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/undo.data1 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/undo.data1 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/undo_1/undo.data1
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/undo.data1 #1/23
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/undo.data1 #1/23
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.48.58
BR0418I 23 of 25 files restored - 68550.180 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 98.15%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I *************************************************_
BR0418I 23 of 25 files restored - 68550.180 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 98.15%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I *************************************************_
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/sysaux_1/sysaux.data1
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sysaux.data1 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sysaux.data1 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/sysaux_1/sysaux.data1
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sysaux.data1 #1/24
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/sysaux.data1 #1/24
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.49.21
BR0418I 24 of 25 files restored - 69110.188 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 98.95%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I *************************************************_
BR0418I 24 of 25 files restored - 69110.188 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 98.95%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I *************************************************_
BR0351I Restoring /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/system_1/system.data1
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/system.data1 ...
BR0355I from /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/system.data1 ...
#FILE..... /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/system_1/system.data1
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/system.data1 #1/25
#RESTORED. /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/belisydx/system.data1 #1/25
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.49.53
BR0418I 25 of 25 files restored - 69840.195 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 100.00%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I **************************************************
BR0418I 25 of 25 files restored - 69840.195 of 69840.195 MB done
BR0204I Percentage done: 100.00%, estimated end time: 17:49
BR0001I **************************************************
BR0406I End of file restore: reljcstr.rsb 2013-06-06 17.49.53
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.49.53
BR0403I BRRESTORE completed successfully with warnings
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.49.53
BR0403I BRRESTORE completed successfully with warnings
BR0292I Execution of BRRESTORE finished with return code 1
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 17.49.53
BR0668I Warnings or errors occurred - you can continue to ignore them or go back to repeat the last action
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.02.30
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0668I Warnings or errors occurred - you can continue to ignore them or go back to repeat the last action
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.02.30
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.02.30
BR0655I Control menu 103 - please decide how to proceed
Database point-in-time recovery main menu
BR0655I Control menu 103 - please decide how to proceed
Database point-in-time recovery main menu
1 + Set point-in-time for recovery
2 + Select database backup or flashback
3 + Check the status of database files
4 - Restore control files
5 + Restore data files
6 # Restore split incremental control files
7 # Restore and apply incremental backup
8 = Restore and apply archivelog files
9 # Restore archivelog files and flashback
10 * Open database and post-processing
11 * Exit program
12 - Reset program status
2 + Select database backup or flashback
3 + Check the status of database files
4 - Restore control files
5 + Restore data files
6 # Restore split incremental control files
7 # Restore and apply incremental backup
8 = Restore and apply archivelog files
9 # Restore archivelog files and flashback
10 * Open database and post-processing
11 * Exit program
12 - Reset program status
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.03.35
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.03.35
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0614I Database instance <SID> is mounted
BR0750I Database instance <SID> will be remounted now in mode 'IMMEDIATE'
BR0750I Database instance <SID> will be remounted now in mode 'IMMEDIATE'
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.03.35
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.03.39
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.03.39
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.03.39
BR0307I Shutting down database instance <SID> ...
BR0307I Shutting down database instance <SID> ...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.03.47
BR0308I Shutdown of database instance <SID> successful
BR0308I Shutdown of database instance <SID> successful
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.03.47
BR0330I Starting and mounting database instance <SID> ...
BR0330I Starting and mounting database instance <SID> ...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.03.54
BR0331I Start and mount of database instance <SID> successful
BR0331I Start and mount of database instance <SID> successful
BR0776I First redolog file sequence to apply for database instance <SID>: 740
BR0777I Last redolog file sequence to apply for database instance <SID>: 742
BR0030W BRARCHIVE summary log '/oracle/<SID>/saparch/arch<SID>.log' not found
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.03.59
BR0668I Warnings or errors occurred - you can continue to ignore them or go back to repeat the last action
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.04.19
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0668I Warnings or errors occurred - you can continue to ignore them or go back to repeat the last action
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.04.19
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.04.19
BR0660I List display 113 - no selection possible
Archivelog files to apply of database instance <SID>
BR0660I List display 113 - no selection possible
Archivelog files to apply of database instance <SID>
Pos. Sequence Status Apply From Disk Tape Util. Rman Stage
1 - 740 in_arch yes arch .... .... .... .... ....
2 - 741 in_arch yes arch .... .... .... .... ....
3 - 742 in_arch yes arch .... .... .... .... ....
2 - 741 in_arch yes arch .... .... .... .... ....
3 - 742 in_arch yes arch .... .... .... .... ....
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.04.48
BR0664W Invalid choice: '3'
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.10
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.04.48
BR0664W Invalid choice: '3'
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.10
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.10
BR0657I Input menu 117 - please enter/check input values
Applying archivelog files of database instance <SID>
BR0657I Input menu 117 - please enter/check input values
Applying archivelog files of database instance <SID>
1 - First sequence number (first_seq) .. [740]
2 - Last sequence number (last_seq) .... [742]
3 - Use backup control file (back_ctl) . [yes]
4 ~ Parallel recovery (degree) ......... []
2 - Last sequence number (last_seq) .... [742]
3 - Use backup control file (back_ctl) . [yes]
4 ~ Parallel recovery (degree) ......... []
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.19
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.19
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0781I All archivelog files to be applied are on disk - no restore required
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.19
BR0657I Input menu 119 - please enter/check input values
Applying archivelog group of database instance <SID>
BR0657I Input menu 119 - please enter/check input values
Applying archivelog group of database instance <SID>
1 - Apply unattended (unattend) ....... [no]
2 - First sequence number (first_seq) . [740]
3 - Last sequence number (last_seq) ... [742]
4 - SQLPLUS command (command) ......... [recover from '/oracle/<SID>/oraarch' database until time '2013-06-04 19.17.00' using backup controlfile]
2 - First sequence number (first_seq) . [740]
3 - Last sequence number (last_seq) ... [742]
4 - SQLPLUS command (command) ......... [recover from '/oracle/<SID>/oraarch' database until time '2013-06-04 19.17.00' using backup controlfile]
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.33
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.33
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0783I Archivelog files with sequence number 740-742 of database instance <SID> will be applied now
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.33
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.38
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.38
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.38
BR0336I Applying offline redolog file /oracle/<SID>/oraarch/<SID>arch1_740_813095671.dbf ...
BR0336I Applying offline redolog file /oracle/<SID>/oraarch/<SID>arch1_741_813095671.dbf ...
BR0336I Applying offline redolog file /oracle/<SID>/oraarch/<SID>arch1_742_813095671.dbf ...
BR0336I Applying offline redolog file /oracle/<SID>/oraarch/<SID>arch1_740_813095671.dbf ...
BR0336I Applying offline redolog file /oracle/<SID>/oraarch/<SID>arch1_741_813095671.dbf ...
BR0336I Applying offline redolog file /oracle/<SID>/oraarch/<SID>arch1_742_813095671.dbf ...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.41
BR0337I Offline redolog file /oracle/<SID>/oraarch/<SID>arch1_740_813095671.dbf applied successfully
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.47
BR0337I Offline redolog file /oracle/<SID>/oraarch/<SID>arch1_741_813095671.dbf applied successfully
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.49
BR0337I Offline redolog file /oracle/<SID>/oraarch/<SID>arch1_742_813095671.dbf applied successfully
BR0337I Offline redolog file /oracle/<SID>/oraarch/<SID>arch1_740_813095671.dbf applied successfully
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.47
BR0337I Offline redolog file /oracle/<SID>/oraarch/<SID>arch1_741_813095671.dbf applied successfully
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.49
BR0337I Offline redolog file /oracle/<SID>/oraarch/<SID>arch1_742_813095671.dbf applied successfully
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.49
BR0784I Media recovery completed
BR0784I Media recovery completed
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.49
BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRRECOVER:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.54
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRRECOVER:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.54
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.54
BR0655I Control menu 103 - please decide how to proceed
Database point-in-time recovery main menu
BR0655I Control menu 103 - please decide how to proceed
Database point-in-time recovery main menu
1 + Set point-in-time for recovery
2 + Select database backup or flashback
3 + Check the status of database files
4 - Restore control files
5 + Restore data files
6 # Restore split incremental control files
7 # Restore and apply incremental backup
8 + Restore and apply archivelog files
9 # Restore archivelog files and flashback
10 = Open database and post-processing
11 * Exit program
12 - Reset program status
2 + Select database backup or flashback
3 + Check the status of database files
4 - Restore control files
5 + Restore data files
6 # Restore split incremental control files
7 # Restore and apply incremental backup
8 + Restore and apply archivelog files
9 # Restore archivelog files and flashback
10 = Open database and post-processing
11 * Exit program
12 - Reset program status
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.57
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.57
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0614I Database instance <SID> is mounted
BR0064I Database instance <SID> will be shut down now in mode 'IMMEDIATE'
BR0064I Database instance <SID> will be shut down now in mode 'IMMEDIATE'
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.05.57
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.06.00
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.06.00
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.06.00
BR0307I Shutting down database instance <SID> ...
BR0307I Shutting down database instance <SID> ...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.06.07
BR0308I Shutdown of database instance <SID> successful
BR0308I Shutdown of database instance <SID> successful
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.06.07
BR0657I Input menu 135 - please enter/check input values
Options for opening database instance <SID>
BR0657I Input menu 135 - please enter/check input values
Options for opening database instance <SID>
1 ~ Reset logs option (reset_logs) .. [resetlogs]
2 * Open database command (command) . [alter database open resetlogs]
2 * Open database command (command) . [alter database open resetlogs]
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.06.17
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.06.17
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0786I Database instance <SID> will be opened now in mode 'resetlogs'
BR0787W No more archivelog files can be applied after the database has been opened
BR0787W No more archivelog files can be applied after the database has been opened
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.06.17
BR0675I This is a recommended action - do you want to execute it now?
BR0676I Enter 'y[es]/c[ont]' to execute the action, 'n[o]' to skip it, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.06.25
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0677I The action will be executed...
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0675I This is a recommended action - do you want to execute it now?
BR0676I Enter 'y[es]/c[ont]' to execute the action, 'n[o]' to skip it, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.06.25
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0677I The action will be executed...
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.06.25
BR0304I Starting and opening database instance <SID> ...
BR0304I Starting and opening database instance <SID> ...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.07.36
BR0305I Start and open of database instance <SID> successful
BR0305I Start and open of database instance <SID> successful
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.07.53
BR0319I Control file copy created: /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/veljcskb/cntrl<SID>.new 20267008
BR0319I Control file copy created: /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/veljcskb/cntrl<SID>.new 20267008
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.07.53
BR0595I Selecting indexes/partitions with NOLOGGING created during or after the selected backup belisydx.and 2013-06-04 17.22.21 ...
BR0285I This action can take several seconds/minutes - be patient...
BR0595I Selecting indexes/partitions with NOLOGGING created during or after the selected backup belisydx.and 2013-06-04 17.22.21 ...
BR0285I This action can take several seconds/minutes - be patient...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.07.54
BR0596I No indexes found with NOLOGGING created during or after the selected backup belisydx.and 2013-06-04 17.22.21
BR0596I No indexes found with NOLOGGING created during or after the selected backup belisydx.and 2013-06-04 17.22.21
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.07.54
BR1959I No index partitions found with NOLOGGING created during or after the selected backup: belisydx.and 2013-06-04 17.22.21
BR1959I No index partitions found with NOLOGGING created during or after the selected backup: belisydx.and 2013-06-04 17.22.21
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.07.54
BR0716I Database point-in-time recovery completed
BR0716I Database point-in-time recovery completed
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.07.54
BR0655I Control menu 103 - please decide how to proceed
Database point-in-time recovery main menu
BR0655I Control menu 103 - please decide how to proceed
Database point-in-time recovery main menu
1 + Set point-in-time for recovery
2 + Select database backup or flashback
3 + Check the status of database files
4 - Restore control files
5 + Restore data files
6 # Restore split incremental control files
7 # Restore and apply incremental backup
8 + Restore and apply archivelog files
9 # Restore archivelog files and flashback
10 + Open database and post-processing
11 = Exit program
12 - Reset program status
2 + Select database backup or flashback
3 + Check the status of database files
4 - Restore control files
5 + Restore data files
6 # Restore split incremental control files
7 # Restore and apply incremental backup
8 + Restore and apply archivelog files
9 # Restore archivelog files and flashback
10 + Open database and post-processing
11 = Exit program
12 - Reset program status
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.08.06
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.08.06
BR0680I Do you really want to exit BRRECOVER? Enter y[es]/n[o]:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.08.09
BR0257I Your reply: 'yes'
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.08.06
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.08.06
BR0680I Do you really want to exit BRRECOVER? Enter y[es]/n[o]:
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.08.09
BR0257I Your reply: 'yes'
BR0797I Number of restored/recovered database files: 25/25
BR0798I Number of restored/applied incremental files: 0/0
BR0799I Number of restored/applied archivelog files: 0/3
BR0798I Number of restored/applied incremental files: 0/0
BR0799I Number of restored/applied archivelog files: 0/3
BR0706I End of database recovery: veljcskb.dpt 2013-06-06 18.08.09
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.08.10
BR0703I BRRECOVER completed successfully with warnings
BR0280I BRRECOVER time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.08.10
BR0703I BRRECOVER completed successfully with warnings
BR0292I Execution of BRRECOVER finished with return code 1
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2013-06-06 18.08.10
BR0668I Warnings or errors occurred - you can continue to ignore them or go back to repeat the last action
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0668I Warnings or errors occurred - you can continue to ignore them or go back to repeat the last action
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
DONE.. Now, check the content of the table again..
MYLNX:ora<SID> 53> sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Jun 6 18:09:43 2013
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
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Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
SQL> select count(*) from dummy.employee;
SQL> select count(*) from dummy.employee;
SQL> !date
Thu Jun 6 18:10:56 IST 2013
Thu Jun 6 18:10:56 IST 2013
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