Wednesday, 4 December 2013

SAP Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) Agent is not able to connect to SAP Host Agent

The following issues may arise while the SMD agent is connecting to SAP Host Agent for the first time:

Trusted connect is not working

We assume the <smd>adm user is used for the installation of the SMD agent installation, where <smd> is the system ID of the SMD agent ("DAA" by default).
Proceed as follows to check if SAP Host Agent is working correctly:
  1. Log on on the respective server as <smd>adm.
  2. Execute the following command: 
    /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 99 -user "" "" -function ConfigureLogFileList add /tmp
If the output of the command prompt is as follows, the trusted connect works:
12.12.2012 11:25:27

12.12.2012 11:25:27
This generally means that Trusted Connect has been configured correctly on the part of SAP Host Agent. 
However, the SMD Agent call might fail. In those cases you should proceed as follows:
Check if ACLs are used. In the host_profile file you can find a configured entry:service/http_acl_file_sapstartsrv=<filepath>
If yes, check in the ACL files if all the relative IP Addresses of the local machine are configured correctly.
Alternatively you can proceed as follows:
  1. In the host_profile, specify service/trace=3
  2. Restart Host Agent with the following command: saphostexec -restart
  3. Trigger the SMD scenario
  4. Check if entries like NiAcl .... denied are contained in the sapstartsrv.log file. If yes, the ACL configuration is wrong and this is the root cause of that issue.
If the sapcontrol call does not return with OK, you have the following options to proceed:

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