Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Oracle databases cannot be detected on Unix

  • Web service method ListDatabases does not return Oracle databases, or
  • other database Web service methods (for example GetDatabaseStatus) return the error message "Database not found" for Oracle databases.
  • With trace level 3 (host_profile: service/trace = 3) the trace file /usr/sap/hostctrl/work/dev_sapdbctrlcontains messages like the following:
[PID 10682408] Looking up databases in inventory
[PID 10682408] Retrieving inventory location from '/etc/oraInst.loc'
[PID 10682408] Retrieving inventory data from '/oracle/oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml'
[PID 10682408] *** ERROR => Failed to open file '/oracle/oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml': No such file or directory 
[PID 10682408] No installations registered in inventory
or like the following:
[PID 10682408] Looking up databases in inventory
[PID 10682408] Retrieving inventory location from '/etc/oraInst.loc'
[PID 10682408] Retrieving inventory data from '/oracle/oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml'
[PID 10682408] No installations registered in inventory
SAP Host Agent is only able to detect an Oracle database if a central Oracle inventory exists. Normally, this inventory is created and maintained by the Oracle Universal Installer. If it does not exist, you can create it with the OraclerunInstaller tool.
For example, you can do this by executing the following command:
runInstaller -attachHome ORACLE_HOME="<Oracle_Home_Location>" ORACLE_HOME_NAME="<Oracle_Home_Name>"


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