Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Start of SAPHostExec Service / saphostexec executable failed. dev_saphostexec log file contains error message "ERROR => Setup of too many communication channels failed"

The sapstartsrv process of the Host Agent is not able to start.
Proceed as follows:
  1. Stop the Host Agent with saphostexec -stop .
  2. Check that there are no running processes which belong to SAP Host Agent, and kill any remaining Host Agent'ssapstartsrv processes.
  3. Delete the  /tmp/.sapstartsrv99_sapstartsrv.log and content of the Host Agent's work directory.
  4. Restart SAP Host Agent by executing saphostexec -restart (as a user with root authorization) orhostexecstart -restart (as as user <sapsid>adm
  5. Check the system log for the error messages from the sapstartsrv process of the Host Agent
Probably, there are multiple sapstartsrv processes running: One from the SAP Host Agent and one from each SAP instance. Just ensure that there is no SAP Host Agent sapstartsrv process running. You can identify it by the start parameter, which is pf=/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/host_profile and by the assigned user, which is sapadm.
Check the Application Log in the Windows Event Viewer for the error messages from the SAPHostControl service

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